Directions: the game is played by introducing a line of prose; any line, heard, imagined or remembered, then passing it on to be illustrated (or just responded to in picture) by the nearest seated neighbor. That person then folds back the text thereby hiding the words and revealing only their freshly drawn picture. The picture is handed off down the line to the next neighbor whose responsibility is to respond to the picture in prose. The process repeats itself until you have made it around the table or run out of paper.
So the pattern is Write-Draw-Write-Draw-Write-Draw-and so on, or in specific detail; Write-Pass Text-Draw-Fold Text-Pass Drawing, Write-Fold Drawing-Pass Text, Draw-Fold Text-Pass Drawing, Write-Fold Drawing-Pass Text, on down the line of players. I'm not sure if Writesie Drawsie is the formal name or an odd mutant title given by the likes of Dupre. If anyone knows of its origin please divulge. And in the meantime enjoy this rather poetic example by some weary second-winding ringers who probably shoulda been working on evaluations...
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